Putting my money where my mitochondria are

As I implied in an earlier discussion of resveratrol, the increasingly compelling data on this compound has encouraged me to do a little bit of research about taking it myself, as a dietary supplement (supplementary, that is, to what I already get as part of a wine-rich lifestyle).

I’m currently in the homework/due diligence phase, considering issues of price and purity as I look around for a source that I can (a) afford and (b) have some objective reason to trust.

As a pure compound, resveratrol is prohibitively expensive. As an unregulated “nutraceutical,” however, it’s still costly (~$450 per annum), but of uncertain potency. None of the commercial suppliers I can find are straightforward about how many mg of resveratrol their products contain. Even among the more reputable-seeming and less fly-by-night vendors, there tends to be a lot of misleading indirection on the labels — take, for instance, the label for Revatrol:

revatrol label

How much resveratrol is in one caplet? Not 400 mg, to be sure, but that’s not very helpful, and it seems like the vendor is taking pains to avoid making a statement that they can be held to (e.g., the knotweed extract might be 15% resveratrol, but it’s not clear what proportion of the proprietary mix is knotweed extract, so what looks deceptively like data is really just a meaningless number).

Several of the other plant-derived compounds quoted on the label are also potent anti-oxidants, but it’s becoming increasingly clear that a big part of resveratrol’s activity is via activation of sirtuins, and that the antioxidant properties are either significantly less important or a complete red herring — so I’m not terribly impressed by those.

Given that the current literature is focusing on resveratrol explicitly, I’d like to see a commercial supplier take the plunge and do some analytical chemistry on their own product, establishing once and for all how much resveratrol is contained in each dose — and then standing by it for all time, ideally with the assay results for each lot to be shipped along with every bottle.

Because I’m willing to make myself a guinea pig, but not a chump.

Has anyone else looked into these supplements? I looked at four or five different suppliers; while I liked Revatrol the most, I still wasn’t sold. If you have done any thinking or research about this, please leave a comment. Let us know how you evaluated different products and (if you got that far) how you made your choice. (If you’re affiliated with or are taking money from a supplier, please opt yourself out. I’ll just expose and mock you, and no one wants that.)


  1. I’ve been taking Longevinex since September of 04. They seem to go through the most thorough measures I’ve seen at stabilizing the trans-resveratrol. They are not the cheapest but Bill Sardi of Longevinex started the company with Dr. Sinclair’s help (that is my understanding anyway). When Sardi started using Dr. Sinclairs name to sell supplements Dr. Sinclair cut ties and forced Sardi to stop using his name. If true this probably was a good idea to prevent Dr. Sinclair from looking like a supplement pimp. Dr. Sinclair claims to be taking 5mg/kg of resveratrol at this time and according to someone who claims to have spoken with him he is taking Longevinex. The other things I like about Longevinex is that they have been around awhile, all they sell is resveratrol and Sardi is a real believer in resveratrol. I’m also taking NSI resveratrol just to cover my bases and save money. Check out the ImmInst.org suppliment boards. Lots of opinions on what brand to take. http://www.imminst.org/forum/index.php?s=&act=SF&f=6
    NPR had a broadcast the other day on resveratrol supplements that you should also check out.

  2. You’re likely to find well-informed commentary (from the perspective of assaying sellers for purity, cost, reliability) from the supplements section of the Immortality Institute forums.


    Personally, I think it’s way far early to be taking this stuff. Shades of any number of supplement rushes in the past years that ultimately turned out to be tempests in teacups.


  3. Thanks for the comments… Reason’s comment makes me think of another interesting potential topic for conversation: What are some examples of potentially exciting anti-aging supplements that turned out not to live up to their potential? Why did they look promising in the first place, and how did we determine that they were not effective?

    (Also: Sorry for the delay in getting these comments moderated. I didn’t realize that the default settings on WordPress automatically put a comment with two URLs in the moderation queue. I’ve since increased the quota.)

  4. Hormone replace therapy comes to mind. Not a supplement per se but it was well accepted. Long term studies were not encouraging. Nothing else I can think of comes close to resveratrol’s mice study reports.

  5. “What are some examples of potentially exciting anti-aging supplements that turned out not to live up to their potential? ”

    Oddly enough, resveratrol, the first time around. It looked great, but the lack of circulating levels at what I’d consider usable doses led me to toss out the idea of it being viable. Personally, I’m ready to eat my hat, admit myself wrong, and start gobbling any of the large shipment that hopefully is going to be coming down the line.

  6. I am one of the few true resveratrol pioneers. I have been taking resveratrol since 2002, at that time in small quantities, to prevent and “treat” BCC skin cancer, cardiovascular, and prostate problems.
    Since 2003 I have been taking resveratrol supplements from Solaray, Longevinex, and Nature’s Way – in high doses of 3 times daily 3×20 mg = average 180-200 mg/day.
    I had three brands tested in October 2005 at a reputable laboratory in Honolulu. All three brands (Longevinex, Solaray, LEF) showed about the same amount of trans-resveratrol – min.17.5 mg/cap., max. 20.8 mg/cap.
    I am now using 3 x 3 caps. = 9 caps. ea. 33 mg trans-resveratrol
    (estimate, not tested yet) from Nature’s Way, total 300 mg/day !
    We will do more testing within the next 2 weeks.
    Both Solaray and Nature’s Way ingredients are “synergistic” including other grape polyphenols, which may be an important aspect. There are some other “honest” brands, but the “400 mg”
    deal appears to be too good, no specification (other brands do show precise figures), lots of hype and probably little truth at all.
    We will include it in our test.
    Believe the scientists, but be very critical of some of the promoters and, just as much, of some of the recent voices saying it is just another fad etc., probably voices from the pharmaceutical industry.
    Resveratrol is a truly marvellous molecule. Make sure you take enough of it to make any noticeable difference in your health.
    There are a few caveats that the public needs to now.

  7. Resveratrol and a whole family of plant-derived similar compounds called polyphenols and beyond, phytochemicals, act in many different ways inside and outside the human cell by modulating signaling pathways, transcription factors, genes and enzymes –
    the benefits of resveratrol go FAR BEYOND its activity as antioxidant and as activator of the SIRT1 gene/enzyme. The literature on resveratrol ( and curcumin, genistein, tea catechins, pomegranate,
    silibinin, quercetin, proanthocyanidins/grape seed extract etc.)
    and its amazing beneficial effects is growing daily, check PubMed.
    There is a 679 page book on Resveratrol edited by Prof. Bharat Aggarwal of M.D.Anderson Cancer Center, Houston; there are
    review articles by Prof. David Sinclair et al.
    This is not just about sirtuins and “antioxidants”, it is about modulating cellular/nuclear events with small molecules to prevent and treat degenerative diseases including heart disease and diabetes, various cancers, alzheimer’s. Resveratrol plays beneficial roles in many of these diseases.
    Finally, I am combining resveratrol ( and 15 other phytochemical supplements) with calorie restriction (CR) and optimal nutrition (ON) with the result of unbelievably good health at age 72.
    (My BMI is 17.5, BP 100/60, HDL >75, etc.)

  8. I’ve also seen some dramatic results similar to Conrad and Stephen. It’s been 9 years between blood tests but the latest results where eye opening. My Triglycerides went from 105 to 65 and my HDL 43 to 87 mg/dl. I wish I had tested a few years ago but I do believe that resveratrol was a likely cause. I have not made any other dramatic changes in the years. I agree with Roland, resveratrol (and its related polyphenols) is a “truly marvellous molecule”

  9. “None of the commercial suppliers I can find are straightforward about how many mg of resveratrol their products contain. Even among the more reputable-seeming and less fly-by-night vendors, there tends to be a lot of misleading indirection on the labels —”

    Chris, I think resveratrol is viewed/registered as some sort of drug by the FDA, thus the supplements must be sold as grape skin/seed or red wine extracts and statements on the labels regarding resveratrol content are illegal I think. Hence the indirect language by some manufacturers.

  10. Hi,
    I bought “Hesperydynin”. One capsule contains:
    (Sorry, I don’t know how to translate all these names to English but I think it’s easy to figure out)

    – hesperydyna (95%) – 100 mg
    – resveratrol (80%) – 25 mg
    – daidzeina (98%) – 25 mg
    – sylimaryna (80%) – 25 mg
    – kwercetyna (95%) – 25 mg
    – indolo-3-karbinol (100%) – 25 mg
    – kurkumina (95%) – 25 mg

    It is labelled as anti-ageing, cancer prevention product. It costs about 19 euro/bottle

    I’m starting to test it :). For now I eat blueberries daily. Without a doubt it boosts my energy significantly.

  11. That page says:
    Dosage: One 50 mg capsule, 1-2 times daily. This product contains 200 mg gross resveratrol per capsule, standardized to yield 50 mg trans-resveratrol per capsule.

    That seem pretty straight forward.

    It doesn’t seem straightforward to me. What does “standardized to yield…” mean, in rigorous analytical-chemistry terms? Either there is or there is not 50 mg of trans-resveratrol in the caplets; if there is, there’s no reason for the indirectness. It makes me think that they did an assay for gross resveratrol and then guessed how much of the trans isomer was present. (Which could be resolved by asking them, which I shall do.)

    The reason why this is important is that the trans isomer of resveratrol is the one that has been shown to have specific biological activity — both isomers are antioxidants but only the trans isomer has sirtuin-activating properties.

  12. It would help if you listed the 5 you have looked into and what you thought about each.

    Thanks for the suggestion. I shall do so — I wanted to collect as much information and brand names from the readers before I lined everything up and did a comparison. I’ll do a good deal more work, possibly including some analytical chemistry of my own, and report back with a new posting. It’s likely this process won’t be complete until early 2007.

  13. I STRONGLY recommend against taking untested health supplements until more research is performed. Everyone should worry less about whether anti-aging remedies are effective and more about whether they are actually harmful. In many cases drugs are not found to be harmful until the side effects show up many years after their release.

    Like you, I performed all sorts of research to determine if Sam-E would be worth taking for energy and pain relief and anti-aging potential. I read over a thousand websites to try to cover every possible base. What happened? I took two 200mg pills and they induced mania, when I had no history of manic episodes or bipolar disorder.

    I nearly committed suicide three times, I lost my $60,000/yr software engineering job and only four months later became coherent enough to write this post. I went through two months of absolute hell before a doctor had any remote idea what had happened. I didn’t sleep for entire weeks at a time, not one minute. I couldn’t form coherent sentences. If someone told me that there was no cure for the condition, I would have killed myself immediately. Mania is WORSE than death.

    The doctor said the Sam-E had had no effect and suspected that I was depressed. He prescribed Paxil, and that worsened the condition dramatically to another near-suicide.

    Drugs are tested for years before they go on the market, but any guy can hawk supplements of unknown potency and purity. When you are prescribed a drug, you know what chemicals you’re getting and (reasonably well) what kinds of side effects can be expected.

    Not only can these supplements harm you or nearly kill you (as in my case), but doctors don’t prescribe them, so they have no idea what happened when something goes wrong. I cannot stress enough: I AM INCREDIBLY LUCKY TO BE ALIVE after taking Sam-E. Don’t let yourself get into my situation, I implore you.

  14. Wow Steve. That’s quite a story. I checked Wikipedia and you are not joking.
    “People who have a history of bipolar disorder are at risk of developing manic symptoms. However, studies of Sam-E have also shown that taking oral or injected doses of the compound induces mania in a significant proportion of patients with unipolar depression, more frequently than most other antidepressants [2]. Because mania can be a life-threatening condition that causes cognitive dysfunction even after remission [3], some doctors have warned their patients against Sam-E use until further research is available on this risk.”
    I don’t take many supplements. The ones I do take I check out carefully. If I had read that precaution on any supplement I wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole. Resveratrol appears to be safe. People have been taking it for years now. It is undergoing human safety testing right now so mega-dosing would not be a good idea. I agree it wouldn’t hurt to wait a few years for most folks before taking resveratrol.

  15. I have found a new resveratrol product from Nature’s Way, one of the most reputable supplement companies, and it clearly states the amount of resveratrol in two capsules as 75 mg, one of the highest I have seen. It is also derived from the herb Polygonum cuspidatum so it also contains related anthraquinone compounds. I would rather find a more pure resveratrol if possible but this one appears to be on eof the best that has come out so far. It also clearly states the geneous levels of ther antioxidant and extracts from red wine and grape seeds which could help protect resveratrol from oxidation.

  16. One other thought, there is a published animal study about impaired wound healing caused by resveratrol. We know it inhibits VEGF (vascular enbdothelial growth factor) and angiogenesis, a process important for wound healing, as well as cancer and atherosclerosis, thus one of the reasons it has anticancer and vascular protective effects. The other compound present from the botanical also contains emodin which also has similar biochemical properties. The mice and fish have lived longer but we dont know if they had adverse effects such as with wound healing or bleeding. It might be prudent to await human studies before ingesting high dosages if they ever decide to engage in these much needed efforts.

  17. Steve,

    What an amazing story!

    What about all the established drawbacks to the FDA sanctioned drugs?

    Did you know 100,000 people a year suffer serious health problems from properly prescibed and administered drugs in hospitals?

    Were you aware there is a strong body of evidence to suggest Vioxx killed 50,000 people before it was removed from the marketplace?

    The reason many chose to try alternatives to the mainstream, FDA approved drugs is the belief these drugs are not safe, but rather, profitable to the manufacturers.

    I used SAM-E. It worked fine for me. It relieved my symptoms of depression. It was a lot cheaper than Zoloft and I didn’t have to pay a doctor to get a prescription. I quit using it after reading The Mood Cure by Julia Ross. There were other, perfectly natural alternatives there as well.

    It is true, there are risks associated with every type of supplement or drug. But I’ll take my chances with natural ingredients, ingested in human diets for centuries, before I’ll take an artificial substance being peddled by a profit oriented managment.

    This is not to say pharma has nothing to offer. This is to say there are the very real additional risks of a company protecting its profits in addition to the simple risks of any substance we take into our bodies.

    Some people have severe reactions to honey or seafood. It will kill them. Does this mean no one should eat honey or seafood? How about alcohol? For many, it is poison. Does this mean no one should have a glass of wine?

    I’m truly sorry you had the reaction you had to SAM-E. But I would encourage someone suffering from depression to at least give it a try; it just might work for them. And my advice would be based on my personal experience, just as your’s was.

    By way, how did you happen to find this website?



  18. What does “standardized to yield…” mean, in rigorous analytical-chemistry terms?

    I asked the same question of a vendor of herbal products and here is the response:

    “Standardized to yield” means that the product is guarantied to contain at least the amount it says. Herbal products potency varies from harvest to harvest which means you if you have a product you can get 500 mg out of a product during one harvest and 400 mg during another.

  19. Hi jarthur,

    I am aware of all of those facts and more. But I think there are four points you’re missing.

    First, the system worked in the case of Vioxx because we found out about the 50,000 who died. How many people have died by taking supplements, who we don’t know about? There simply isn’t enough research or data on supplements to determine causality between adverse reactions and supplement usage. There could be 100,000 people who died 6 months earlier than they would have otherwise by taking St. John’s Wort, for example, but we’ll never know. We don’t even know how many people have taken supplements. We do know rather well who many have been prescribed Wellbutrin, for example.

    Second, Sam-E is not a “natural” substance. It’s a synthesized chemical. And what makes “natural” substances better than man-made ones? I would bet that man is able to produce a more consistent product than nature in most cases.

    Third, there are commercial interests behind supplements that are just as cutthroat, if not more so, than the prescription drug manufacturers. I don’t think that a moral argument of “they’re taking advantage of us” holds up in either case.

    Fourth, in many cases NOT taking any drugs is just as dangerous as taking them. For example, there are studies showing that Ritalin alters gene expression even after cessation. But gene expression constantly changes due to aging or stress or other causes. There isn’t enough evidence here to say that the gene expression alteration is bad, but some would say that any alteration is awful because it’s not “natural.” I’m not of the group that feels that the human body works best when left in its unaltered state. And how many people would have suffered in agony if they hadn’t taken Vioxx?

    Hopefully I’m not coming across to you as just another bureaucrat who issues dire warnings that exaggerate risk. With that said, however, I’ve decided that when I recover (using Depakote, a prescription drug), I will no longer take any non-approved supplements except for a multivitamin. You’re welcome to do what you wish, but I do question why the supplementation industry is allowed to sell products that would take years and millions of dollars of testing for prescription drug industry to get approved.

    After all, if I had been hospitalized for this manic episode, who would have paid for my taking a risk on Sam-E? You would have.

  20. Also, I should point out that saying that Vioxx “killed” 50,000 people is misleading. All 50,000 of those people were going to die some day, and most of them already had heart disease. The more important question is whether it “killed” them prematurely by one minute, or by one year.

  21. Chris & company,
    I just placed an order with Longivenex mostly on blind faith about 3 weeks ago–only a month’s supply so the investment wasn’t a big one. So this issue is ripe for me. I was encouraged by your blog to call the company because I couldn’t really find the “independent tester” on their web-site. I ended up speaking to Bill Sardi, himself. He told me point blank that he couldn’t tell me who the independent tester is. He said that he did have that information up at one time but because of lawsuits from competitors Longevinex was no longer willing to do that. In fairness, it seems that I did see more full disclosure nearly a year ago or longer when I first came across them. But that set off alarm bells and nothing he told me–he mostly talked at me–seemed to encourage anymore confidence in his product. I honestly don’t know if their product does what it says, but Sardi was willing to talk about anecdotal stuff–his products being tested on humans but nothing will be known until February. Also name dropping of a sorts–someone with a Nobel Prize buys their product (Nobel Prize of Literature? a prize in Physics wouldn’t be proof of anything). (It’s funny despite his unwillingness to tell me, a second look just before I post this at the web site I now see on their site that the independent testing is done by Biomol International. See http://www.longevinex.com/article.asp?story=Imitations ). Biomol also sells resveratrol. Not for human consumption however.

    He did talk a lot about the French Paradox which is also mentioned on the website.
    Here are my issues with the French Paradox and resveratrol and some common myths about resveratrol: The evidence for what causes the French Paradox is inconclusive.

    1. Red wine does not contain resveratrol. Certain types of red wines (made primarily with Pinot Noir grapes) grown under certain conditions (not in dry, desert California generally) may contain resveratrol. France has plenty of wines without resveratrol (although conditions are good for the grapes that can contain it). The pinot I’m sipping tonight is organic from Austria–I hope I got a little res, anyway.
    2. I’ve seen studies that say the Mediterranean Diet in some parts of France boosts the mortality averages of all the people dying of cirrhosis of the liver in the other parts of France. Additionally, the Mediterranean Diet is very satisfying and may discourage the over consumption of calories.
    3. The French may consume less calories than Americans (who doesn’t) despite the fact that they love butter and brie–it’s the total calories that count. The French are well known for discouraging in between meal snacks. Even if you cut back a little you still get to die later on the curve.
    4. Just this week another byproduct of wine proanthocyandins (not resveratrol) got credit for protecting the heart in Sardinia and Gers in France.

    I try to activate my sirtuins the old fashion way: I calorie restrict. Although I probably could cut back even more I am at the point where it would be nice to get some additional help from resveratrol–if indeed it works. There are some additional food sources of resveratrol that I do eat and fit in with my CR diet. First is Spanish Peanuts. I get mine raw with the skins intact from Whole Foods grocers. Like Pinot Noir grapes they are the type in the peanut world that are supposed to have resveratrol in it. Second in early summer I take advantage of the wild growing mullberries that I have loved since I was a kid. These are also reputed to be a source of resveratrol. So I’m not sure if the supplements I will soon be taking or the food and wine I consume has any resveratrol at all. I sound like most of you. But only Conrad Roland seemed to indicate that he did any real testing. Conrad I would like to know what company you used, whether it was blind testing, and how much it cost.

    I hear a lot about big pharma but I see a lot of supplement companies and candy companies (consider Cocavia for those of you who follow the polyphenols in chocolate. There seems to be something interesting that goes on between NO and chocolate polyphenols and then again resveratrol and NO) eager to get their name dropped in the New York Times or Newsweek. That is one thing I appreciate about CR, the only person making any money on it is me–on the money I save, that is. But there is nothing more American than wanting to eat or spend your way to happiness. To do nothing seems intolerable.

    Let’s add one more thing to the testing list: How do we know when are Sirtuin genes have been activated? I know it is possible. Biomol Labs has some information. That’s another place to look.

  22. I took one capsule of the product I mentioned above. It’s just too good. I’m not sure if it was health improvement or more like a drug (a bad one) that turns you into an addict. I felt like 15 years younger (I’m 30). And had a boner half night:). I couldn’t sit still at work in office. I’m really afraid I’ll become addict very easily if I take a few more. (I was never addicted to any drug in my life) I don’t know, maybe it was designed for older people. But if that’s how resveratrol works and there’re no side effects and it also prolongs life (more “healthy” health means longer life it’s quite logical, I guess), then God bless resveratrol 🙂

  23. Chris, I have a list of about 25 Resveratrol supplements currently available online, a couple hustled out within the past few days. Just how extensive is your testing going to be?

    In an NPR piece last week ConsumerLabs said they would start conducting tests on resveratrol in 2007. Bill Sardi of Longevinex was interviewed as well, and he made the interesting observation that stocks of knotweed are currently exhausted in the U.S., and stretched to the limit in China. I can only imagine what this means for the potency of the current batch of supplements heading to the shelves. Some sort of objective testing is a must.

  24. I have found one seller that actually gives you the exact amount of the resveratrol in his product and even specifies how much of this is trans-resveratrol. The comany is biotivia or bioflu, they also make a star anise product, that looks interesting however I have no idea why star anise as an ingredient in their anti flu product. Longevinex’s claim of stabilizing the resveratrol is, as far as all of my research can ascertain, pure rubbish. If they really had something they would have patented it. Resveratrol is an ANTI odixant. It is actually used to preserve other products. It has a natural active shelf life of 24 months.

  25. Yes, Jason, this is the product I provided a link to above in # 26. The problems are these:

    Just because they claim to have a certain amount of trans-resveratrol doesn’t mean that they do. If the testing referred to by Conrad Roland earlier in this thread is correct, even thin-skinned Longevinex can’t be trusted to give the 40mg they imply are in each capsule. Lots of products list a trans-resveratrol content. The trick is to figure out who to believe. I reiterate, some sort of objective testing is a must.

    As for these bioflu people, I really don’t know what to make of them. This is an Austrian company geared towards people obsessed about flu pandemic. Hence the anise product, which sounds like the usual herbal crap-shoot. Nevertheless, it’s kind of spot on that they would sell resveratrol, as it has been shown to inhibit the replication of flu virus both in vitro and in vivo. Curiously, though, the bioflu folk make no mention of that connection anywhere on their web-site. It’s as if they don’t know. Their sister site in Austria doesn’t offer resveratrol at all–it’s all surgical masks and anise. And so I’m left wondering why they’re selling resveratrol. I’m also wondering how they can sell it so cheap at such high concentrations. Anyway, they make a lot of claims… I do hope these guys are legit, as it’s definitely the product I’d buy, but for now I’m skeptical.

    There’s also alot about resveratrol supplementation that falls under the heading of What-We-Don’t-Know. For instance, there’s this much ballyhooed issue of stability. I’m inclined to agree with you that it’s probably over-hyped by Longevinex. But there are still unresolved questions which we don’t have time for here. In short, We Don’t Know. Then there’s the issue of the ratio of trans to cis-resveratrol. After all, the mice got the good stuff. Is it as important as Longevinex claims? (And if it is, what does it mean for Longevinex that our Conrad Roland has a study showing only 20mg trans-resveratrol instead of the 40 they claim? Is it possible that Longevinex is–gasp–half cis-resveratrol?) We Don’t Know. Some people suggest that the cis isomer may inhibit the SirT1 gene. Cis shows anti-oxidant activity, but does it also inhibit SirT1? We Don’t Know. How about quercetin, which increases resveratrol’s half-life on the one hand, but whose chief metabolite inhibits SirT1 on the other? Ditto the catechins in green tea, which activate Sirt1 when stabilized, but strongly inhibit it when not stabilized. In other words, your green tea supplements could be working at cross-puposes to your resveratrol supplementation. We Don’t Know. And if we have, say, “50mg trans-resveratrol from total resveratrol 200mg” this begs the question: What’s in the other 150mg of “total resveratrol?” Is it inert? Does it help? Does it hurt? We Don’t Know. Then there are the more basic questions of whether SirT1 is involved at all, whether Sinclair’s yeast data are replicable, and whether the Biomol test does anything more than test for…well…the Biomol test. Frankly, We Don’t Know.

    That having been said, I’m willing to risk supplementation based on the Nature and Cell studies. I have no idea how to get this stuff tested, however, and I’m leery of taking loads of any supplement when I don’t know what’s in it. Below I’ll post a brief summary, in no particular order and probably not exhaustive, of the resveratrol products currently on the market in the U.S.

  26. Ray & Terry’s: Resveratrol 50mg
    (50mg trans-resveratrol claimed from 200mg. And yeah, who knows what that means?)
    http://www.rayandterry.com/product_info.php products_id=31&osCsid=b9f69aae5fb7939585619a146a4e917f

    Food Science: Resveratrol 50
    (Same dosage and claimed yield of Trans-resveratrol as Ray & Terry’s)

    Davinci Labs: Resveratrol-50
    (Ditto. Appears to be the same product in a different label.)

    Solaray: Resveratrol
    (15mg Trans-resveratrol claimed from 30mg total resveratrol on a perplexing label.)

    Nature’s Way: Resveratrol
    (37.5mg resveratrol from 75mg knotweed extract. Trans-resveratrol content not stated.)

    Stockbridge Naturals: Resveratrol Red Wine Complex.
    (Similar specs to Nature’s Way.)

    Source Naturals: Resveratrol
    (“Total resveratrols” 40mg, resveratrol 10mg, per capsule, from 500mg knotweed.)

    Resveratrol Partners: Longevinex
    (Much discussed. Claim of 40mg trans-resveratrol and activation of SirT1 gene. Rumored to be increasing dosage to 100mg)

  27. NSI: Longevatrol Stabilized Polyphenol Complex with Resveratrol — 200 mg
    (Stated 100mg “standardized to 50% resveratrol.” No reference to trans-resveratrol.)

    NSI: Resveratrol + Grape Seed & Red Wine Extracts
    (Stated 75mg “standardized to 50% resveratrol – 37 mg.” Again, info on trans isomer absent.)

    (As discussed above. Resveratrol content unknown.)

    Jarrow Formulas: Resveratrol Synergy
    (16mg “resveratrols” from 200mg polygonum cuspidatum.)

    LEF: Resveratrol
    (20mg Resveratrol, trans isomer not noted.)

    LEF: Dual-Action Cruciferous Vegetable Extract With Resveratrol & Cat’s Claw
    (Same. With indoles.)

  28. Whole Health Products: PomeHealth Pomegranate & Resveratrol
    (Difficult to discern resveratrol content from label.)

    Vitaline Formulas: Resveratrol-Forte
    (Plenty of grape extract, no resveratrol (or trans) content ventured, however.)

    R-Factors: Resveratrol Anti-Aging Complex
    (Claims reseveratrol content, but no amount given.)

    Physician Formula: Resveratrol
    (10mg “from 40 mg of a 25% extract of Polygonum Cuspidatum Root and Rhizome.”)

    Young Again: Resvert
    (25 mg trans-resveratrol stated on label. They also have an assay online. Other than Longevinex, they’re the only company to show an assay.)

    Vitamin Research Products: Resveratrol
    (20mg trans-resveratrol claimed from 100mg knotweed)

  29. Now Foods: Pomeratrol
    (20mg trans-resveratrol claimed. Lots of Pomegranate.)

    Pure Encapsulations: Resveratrol 200mg
    (200mg “standardized to contain 20% total resveratrols.” Presumably, this means 40mg “total resveratrols.” What this means for trans-resveratrol content in this product is anybody’s guess.)

    NRx Resveratrol 100mg
    (100mg resveratrol from 500mg knotweed. I couldn’t tell you how much of this is trans-resveratrol. This product only available from one site:)

    Biotest: Rez-V
    (50mg per capsule of “Highly Pure Resveratrol.” This product is marketed to body builders. Prediction: These are the first guys who are going to be megadosing on resveratrol in the 4-5 gram-a-day region. Look for a flood of high-octane resveratrol supplements for the Soloflex crowd.)

    Puritan’s Pride: ResveraWine 500mg Complex
    (Hustled to market. Contains 500mg of something. No labeling offered.)

    BioFlu: Bioforté 500 Resveratrol
    (They advertise 250 mg trans-resveratrol from total resveratrol 500mg. If it’s not a scam this product is a full-on resveratrol bomb.)

  30. Douglas Labs: Resvera-Gold
    (“Approx. 5mg resveratrol” per 2 capsules.)

    Invite Health: Resveratrol
    (25mg trans-resveratrol. Or perhaps it’s 25% of 25mg. Those zany labels.)

    KAL: Resveratrol 25mg
    (13 mg trans-resveratrol from 65mg knotweed.)

    Life Enhancement: PEGysomal Resveratrol
    (Liquid. 10mg resveratrol per dropperful. Claims enhanced bioavailability. Who doesn’t?)

    Beyond A Century: High Potency Resveratrol Complex
    (Powder, 10mg trans-resveratrol stated per serving.)

    Paradise Herbs: Resveratrol
    (15mg resveratrol. Trans-resveratrol not mentioned.)

    Country Life: Resveratrol Plus
    (Rushed to market in, like, 20 minutes. Claims 100mg resveratrol (not necessarily trans) from 200mg knotweed.)

    Health From The Sun: French Paradox Plus Resveratrol
    (A whopping 1 mg of resveratrol in this newly minted product. )

  31. I take Revatrol–and have now for six months. You state in your article that “How much resveratrol is in one [Revatrol] caplet? Not 400 mg, to be sure.”

    How do you know that?


  32. Some writers to the Resveratrol Users Group claim it has less than 1 milligram of trans-resveratrol – this apparently from a lab test commissioned by some users.

  33. You state in your article that “How much resveratrol is in one [Revatrol] caplet? Not 400 mg, to be sure.”
    How do you know that?

    Because the label says so. The 400 mg is “proprietary whole red wine grape complex,” consisting of several components, none of which is 100% pure trans-resveratrol, so there’s no way it can add up to 400 mg total resveratrol.

    That’s all I meant.

    I make no claim regarding the actual quantity of resveratrol in Revatrol (other than that it’s less than 400 mg per caplet, according to the label). According to one of the comments above, we have some impartial studies to look forward to in the new year, which will resolve this matter, hopefully forever.

  34. Steve,

    You said:

    Also, I should point out that saying that Vioxx “killed” 50,000 people is misleading. All 50,000 of those people were going to die some day, and most of them already had heart disease. The more important question is whether it “killed” them prematurely by one minute, or by one year.

    You’re just joking right?

    If you’re not, than why worry about any substance. Using the logic of your statement, the death caused by stepping in front of a truck (done this week here in Colorado) was not really a death, because the person doing it was going to die anyway.

    Great defense for a murderer though. The defense could simply say it wasn’t really murder because the person was going to die anyway.

  35. Adam,

    Excellent post on this subject.

    I came here hoping to find some facts on resveratol and several here have posted excellent research.

    You are correct, we just don’t know.

  36. I have also performed some research on the Resveratrol controversy. Over on Imminst.org there was a posting of one of the Sinclair studies. I don’t have an exact link to it but it is in one of the threads such as this: http://www.imminst.org/forum/index.php?s=&act=ST&f=6&t=4140&st=0

    Basically, it was the Nature or Cell Study and one of the main points was obviously BIOAVAILABILITY. The statement was made by the two scientists that adding Quercetin when taking Resveratrol greatly enhanced the bio-availability of the product. This is very important in my mind, it also goes to show that since Longevinex has Quercetin and Lecithin and IP6 Rice Bran plus all Super Duper Nitrogne Sealed Caps – that a lot of thought and effort were put into the Longevinex product. Sirtris is testing a diabetes product with 1,000 times better resveratrol bioavailabiity.

    The thing about it is.. Red Wine has both Quercetin and Resveratrol, thus the absorption and greater bioavailability. I am just a person looking to purchase Resveratrol and did some digging… Unfortunately, all these other Resveratrol products would need (presumably) to be taken with Quercetin to enhance its bioavailabilty. Otherwise it may be a waste of money.

    Also, in a Press Release Dated December 15, 2006, Bill Sardi and Longevinex state “Because of a consumer demand for higher-dose supplements, the dosage of resveratrol in Longevinex® has now been increased from 40 to 100 milligrams per capsule.”

    I have emailed them to confirm that the TRANS-Resveratrol content is indeed 100MG.

    Also, I gleaned that Dr. David Sinclair is dosing at 5MG/KG or about 360MG a day… Of course that still would not give the same effects as the levels seen for the Bionic Mice in the journal “Cell”.

    Bill Sardi, the Longevinex “hawk” mentions the Quercetin and other issues here:

    By the way, thanks to Adam and to Conrad Roland and everyone else for this great blog. I too have been looking at all the different resveratrol products in an attempt to “get a higher quantity MG at the same quality – for a lower price”. If the dosage of Longevinex is indeed increased to 100MG it certainly helps with the pricing. But still, I have questions as to the bioavailability of all these products and the dosage amounts.

    A quuto from Bill Sardi on the imminst.org site where he stated:

    “The recent (Nov. 1, 2006) mouse study published in Nature Magazine utilized a dosage of trans resveratrol of about 1575 mg equivalent for a 160-lb human. A lesser dose, about 364 mg for a 160-pound human, also was beneficial but to a lesser degree. This was for mice fed a 60% fat-calorie diet. Most Americans consume about 35% fat calories. So, based on the mouse study, a guesstimate of the dosage needed for humans might be around 180 mg. This is achievable with dietary supplements.”

    I do not see any correlation between the percentage of fat calories we consume and the “dosage” requirements for resveratrol. I think I just bought the sales pitch!

  37. An update:

    I have received confirmation from http://www.Longevinex.com stating the Resveratrol content of Longevinex will increase to 100MG in January of 2007. No mention of pricing.

    Of particular concern in looking over all the “ME-TOO!” products on the market is that Resvertrol is usually a percentage of the Japanese Knotweed (or Grape Skin/seed products), TRANS-Resveratrol is then a percentage of the actual resveratrol content.

    One thing about the Longevinex website is the wealth of knowledge provided. Of course this helps sell the product, but for me personally the information on their site and also from the scientific articles in PubMed and other resources seems to reinforce the notion that “Longevinex” was given a great deal of thought prior to its coming to fruition.

    Another point of interest is the Sirtris Company and Dr. David Sinclair. They purportedly have $85 Mil (USD)in financing, but have stated they may require $325 Million to accomplish their goals. I do think it pays to be skeptical, but my Father is a diabetic and heart disease is rampant in my family.. IF Sirtris could develop a “cure” for Diabetes alone – the effects would be staggering. They purportedly have developed a Resveratrol based drug that has over 1,000 times greater bioavailability in humans. Only time will tell.

  38. I’m a 30-year supplement enthusiast, exploring health store, drug store, and grocery store varieties. For the last several years, I’ve found the integrity of Andrew Lessman’s products to be the best I’ve ever found. I purchase through http://www.hsn.com his product Resveratrol 100. I have extreme food sensitivities and have no problem with his no-additives/no-fillers concepts.

  39. ((( DLaurie said, “Resveratrol products would need (presumably) to be taken with Quercetin to enhance its bioavailabilty. Otherwise it may be a waste of money.” )))

    Apart from Adam’s comment elsewhere about there being pros and cons to the combination, I think that the mice got only Resveratrol and not Quercetin. Now, they did get high doses of Resveratrol, so one could make the argument that perhaps smaller doses would be sufficient if accompanied by Quercetin to increase bioavailability. But if you’re trying to extrapolate the mouse experiment to yourself as a guinea pig, it sounds like high dose Resveratrol alone would be the way to go.

    As long as I’m writing, here’s one more source to help keep Adam’s list complete:

    Pure Prescriptions: PureVinol-25
    25 mg trans

  40. Scott,

    Thanks for the post and to BugsNGasGal for the Tannin information. As for the bioavaibility of resveratrol, your point is well taken. In one of the articles in Nature which I think was apost on imminst.org, the scientists also mentioned that the bioavailability of resveratrol taken with quercetin increased the amount of pass throughs thru the liver. A good case is made for this since supposedly the bioavailabilty of res-v in humans is Zero.. Of course there is the debate on the glucuronidation of res-v in humans being the actual delivery method of the supplement. Thus quercetin could actually be a detriment to its method of action? Plus the aformentioned remarks by Adam and remarks made by Conrad Roland in another post mentioning the cons of quercetin as having a negative effect on the sirtuin activation! We just don’t know.

    Add to that the study on Tannins and the positive effects on the heart and it also makes a strong case for causing the “French Paradox”.

    More info on resveratrol can be found here: http://lpi.oregonstate.edu/infocenter/phytochemicals/resveratrol/

    Great links can also be found on Wikipedia. I wish we had additional clinical evidence as to the effectiveness of res-v. It certainly has some side effects. Myself, I have been attempting to determine the “best” supplement and the thought seems to be Natures Way, Longevinex, NSI Longevatrol and maybe Ray and Terry’s. I personally may wait until January when the trans res-v amount in Longevinex is increased to 100MG.

    I am leery of the http://www.bioflu.com 500MG Res-v since the other ingredients appears to be star anise which is just what they have “laying around”. Also, BioFlu’s BioForte appears to be a fly by night operation.

    Also, Bill Sardi’s recent press release had stated the strength of Longevinex was increased to 100MG.. which it will not be until January, I had to email them to get clarification.. their “propritary blend” is 100MG now, but that’s not the same thing.. It was a little mis-leading if someone hadn’t been doing research at the same time of the press release )see Google NEWS, type in Search News for Resveratrol.

    It would be great to get the ‘Cell” type of effect on my mitochondria, but the cost of being a guinea pig is too great. I hope others who read this blog will leave their comments and it would be great to hear more thoughts from Conrad Roland and Ouroboros. Also, thoughts on the Tannins issue and the French Paradox.

  41. PMID: 15329443 (Pub Med)
    Under the conditions of this study, the no observed adverse effect level was 300 mg resveratrol per kilogram body weight per day in rats.
    The daily oral administration of high doses of trans-resveratrol to rats for 28 days is not harmful.
    PMID: 11823587

  42. SIRT1 stimulation by polyphenols is affected by their stability and metabolism.
    PMID: 16603228


    RIKILT-Institute of Food Safety, Wageningen University and Research Centre, Wageningen, The Netherlands.

    Silent information regulator two ortholog 1 (SIRT1) is the human ortholog of the yeast sir2 protein; one of the most important regulators of lifespan extension by caloric restriction in several organisms. Dietary polyphenols, abundant in vegetables, fruits, cereals, wine and tea, were reported to stimulate the deacetylase activity of recombinant SIRT1 protein and could therefore be potential regulators of aging associated processes. However, inconsistent data between effects of polyphenols on the recombinant SIRT1 and on in vivo SIRT1, led us to investigate the influence of (1) stability of polyphenols under experimental conditions and (2) metabolism of polyphenols in human HT29 cells, on stimulation of SIRT1. With an improved SIRT1 deacetylation assay we found three new polyphenolic stimulators. Epigallocatechin galate (EGCg, 1.76-fold), epicatechin galate (ECg, 1.85-fold) and myricetin (3.19-fold) stimulated SIRT1 under stabilizing conditions, whereas without stabilization, these polyphenols strongly inhibited SIRT1, probably due to H2O2 formation. Using metabolically active HT29 cells we were able to show that quercetin (a stimulator of recombinant SIRT1) could not stimulate intracellular SIRT1. The major quercetin metabolite in humans, quercetin 3-O-glucuronide, slightly inhibited the recombinant SIRT1 activity which explains the lack of stimulatory action of quercetin in HT29 cells. This study shows that the stimulation of SIRT1 is strongly affected by polyphenol stability and metabolism, therefore extrapolation of in vitro SIRT1 stimulation results to physiological effects should be done with caution.

    (“I am a cut and paster! ha ha. I believe the full version, according to Imminst.org has a cost of $30…. If someone snags it, I would be interested in the issue of Quercetin and its activation of Sirt1 in humans .. and of its glucuronidation in the liver.. This is key for someone taking Longevinex, since it is a major ingredient.. IF Quercetin did indeed “slightly inhibit the recombinant SIRT1 activity”… But on the other hand the article does state Quercetin is “a stimulator of recombinant SIRT1”.

    Any comments?

  43. Click to access Resveratrol.pdf

    This is a really good article.

    “The rates of Resveratrol sulphation, similar in the human liver and duodenum, were inhibited by QUERCETIN, Fisetin, myricetin, ksempferol, and apigenin; the inhibition was mixed and non-competitive. Flavonids also inhibited glucuronidation, but to a lesser extent. THE ADDITION OF WINE TO THE INCUBATION MIXTURE DECREASED BOTH THE RATE OF RESVERATROL SULPHATION AND THE RATE OF GLUCURONIDATION.

    i.e. Slug the Res-V down with that Pinot Noir!… Conrad Roland has this right?

    Anyway, this report, although dated, may offer valuable information. For instance, if as reported above Quercetin is a slight inhibitor of SIRT1 activity, yet when coupled with Resveratrol it may purportedly allow for greater absorption of Res-V into the bloodstream – more passes through the liver. Of course this is all based on animal studies – wouldn’t it be great to have long term human based reports. Sirtris could release study info to help us out.

    Thanks for reading this! I hope it helps you in some fashion.

  44. Design and synthesis of compounds that extend yeast replicative lifespan.

    This past decade has seen the identification of numerous conserved genes that extend lifespan in diverse species, yet the number of compounds that extend lifespan is relatively small. A class of compounds called STACs, which were identified as activators of Sir2/SIRT1 NAD+-dependent deacetylases, extend the lifespans of multiple species in a Sir2-dependent manner and can delay the onset of age-related diseases such as cancer, diabetes and neurodegeneration in model organisms. Plant-derived STACs such as fisetin and resveratrol have several liabilities, including poor stability and relatively low potency as SIRT1 activators. To develop improved STACs, stilbene derivatives with modifications at the 4′ position of the B ring were synthesized using a Horner-Emmons-based synthetic route or by hydrolyzing deoxyrhapontin. Here, we describe synthetic STACs with lower toxicity toward human cells, and higher potency with respect to SIRT1 activation and lifespan extension in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. These studies show that it is possible to improve upon naturally occurring STACs based on a number of criteria including lifespan extension.

  45. This link is the 1/18/2007 FORTUNE article on David Sinclair’s (Resveratrol Pioneer) Sirtris Pharma Research Company. Quote “Still, in animal tests, 501’s proprietary formulation gets more than ten times as much resveratrol into the bloodstream as do dietary supplements containing equal amounts of it, says the company.”


    Dr. Westphal: In an interview last fall he enthused that “studies on long lived humans indicate there are four key predictors of longevity: low levels of blood glucose and insulin, little weight gain during middle age, and low body temperature. Our drugs positively affect these predictors in mice. That’s very promising.”

    The researchers found that reducing normal calorie intake by about a third extends animals’ life spans by 30 percent or more, keeping them sleek and vibrant when their normally fed peers look wasted, or are dead. In fact, CR is the only established way to slow aging in everything from guppies to dogs to, many scientists believe, humans.

    The hubbub about resveratrol began with a 2003 study by Sinclair’s group suggesting that the compound can mimic the effects of CR in yeast cells, boosting their life spans by 70 percent. The following year he and colleagues went on to demonstrate that resveratrol slows aging in roundworms and fruit flies. That made it the first compound to show anti-aging effects in widely divergent species. Then, last spring, scientists in Pisa, Italy, showed that its magic extends beyond creepy-crawlies: Large doses of the compound boosted life span more than 50 percent in a species of short-lived fish.

    The mouse studies also gave hints that resveratrol induces basic metabolic changes akin to those that CR does. One of the most intriguing was the production of fresh mitochondria, the key components of cells that serve as power generators; they essentially burn sugar in slow motion to release energy. But like coal-burning power plants, mitochondria also pollute. In particular, they spew highly reactive chemicals called free radicals, which damage DNA and other important molecules in cells. Over time the radicals deteriorate the mitochondria themselves, which degrades their efficiency, causing yet heavier production of free radicals. The end result is a cell-degrading snowball effect that is thought to be a major cause of aging.

    Resveratrol’s ability to engender new mitochondria is especially exciting because it seems the fresh ones are more efficient than the worn mitochondria they replace, hence are less prone to churn out damaging radicals. CR appears to do the same thing – it’s like replacing a smoky old coal burner with a cleaner burning gas-fired plant. Resveratrol’s effect on mitochondria may be enough by itself to account for much of the compound’s riveting effects in animal studies. In particular, the effect would seem to account for the abrupt Olympic-caliber running abilities observed in mice.

    Again, that is the theory. The mouse studies didn’t settle the debate over how resveratrol works, which probably won’t happen until researchers with no ties to Sirtris confirm that Sinclair is right. So pursuing the siRT1 path is a gamble for Sirtris, one of many.

    The Sirtris team wasted very little time reaching its first milestone, which was to develop “high throughput” screening tests that enabled it to quickly analyze nearly 500,000 compounds for resveratrol- like activity. The rapid-fire winnowing led to several potent molecules that promise to replicate resveratrol’s health benefits at doses hundreds of times smaller than are required with the natural substance. These two standard steps in drug development often take several years; Sirtris completed them in a little over a year.

    Meanwhile, hoping to get an early indication of efficacy against disease, the company formulated a resveratrol-based drug, dubbed 501, to begin the tests in diabetic patients. Westphal cautions that the drug is likely to be a product for only a few indications – Sirtris’s more potent medicines will probably have much broader applications. Still, in animal tests, 501’s proprietary formulation gets more than ten times as much resveratrol into the bloodstream as do dietary supplements containing equal amounts of it, says the company.

    The 501 trial’s results should be available this year – if Sirtris decides to disclose them. So far the drug has shown only mild side effects. The main one has been occasional nausea among people taking it on an empty stomach. One reason for that could be that the orally administered liquid drug tastes awful; Sirtris hopes a new cherry-flavored version will go down easier.

  46. Anyone know how to “hydrolyze” Rhubard Root?

    In reading the above two articles on “improved STACS”, it states that one of the improved STACS for Sirt1 activation may .. if I am reading this correctly “To develop improved STACs, stilbene derivatives with modifications at the 4′ position of the B ring were synthesized using a Horner-Emmons-based synthetic route or by hydrolyzing deoxyrhapontin.”

    By Hydrolyzing DeOxyrhapontin? I believe this is Rhubard Root.. contains Emodin and is a laxative.. but it also has effects on the human liver..

    Anyone care to leave comments as to whether one should look at rhubarb?

  47. Sirtris Announces Clinical Results from Phase 1 Trials of SRT501, a Sirtuin Therapeutic

    “SRT501 targets SIRT1, the founding member of the human sirtuin family of enzymes. Specifically, SRT501 acts by increasing the number and function of mitochondria and is thus therapeutically targeted to address diseases of aging including metabolic diseases, such as diabetes and obesity.”

  48. 501’s proprietary formulation gets more than ten times as much resveratrol into the bloodstream as do dietary supplements containing equal amounts of it, says the company.

  49. Question: Taking doses of Bioflu’s 500 resveratrol with purported 250 mg trans-reserveratrol. Having increase in reflux. Anyone else tried it?

  50. Hi LDelancy,

    I am not taking the BioFlu res-v. I looked into it and the company did not give me a “warm fuzzy”. I emailed them and some of the “inert” ingredients in their Res-v (I was told) is Star Anise.. whihc is their main product and coincidentally just what they have lying around. VERY little can be found on the internet about BioFlu or their parent company. Besides Longevinex the NEW formula with 100MG trans-Resveratrol, Nature’s Way Synergistic Formula (20-40mg), and the NEW Country Life which is 50% and should contain 100MG of Trans-Res-v plus other Grape appear to be the front runners. http://www.iherb.com/store/ProductDetails.aspx?c=Herbs&pid=CLF-07317

    I can offer you this bit of info: at two different boards there are Resveratrol User Groups where feedback on the supplemention is posted. One is on the Imminst Board at: http://www.imminst.org/forum/index.php?act=ST&f=6&t=14124&s=
    and on Yahoo Groups at: http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/resveratrol-users/

    I have heard of the Laxative effect, increased energy – better mood, and decreased appetite. I have also heard it mentioned to take Res-v with a glass of wine, on an empty stomach and also with some “fat”. If I come across anything of reflux I will post it back here. I am currently looking into hydrolyzed rhubarb root, PolyGonum Multi-Florum or FO-Ti and other stilbenes. Best of luck with your res-v supplementation.

  51. The following is just a post that I copied from WikiPedia’s Discussion Page regarding Resveratrol. I cannot obviously back up the claim made in this statement.

    “Please note in the chemical properties table that resveratrol is nearly 1700 times more soluble in alcohol than in water. This makes it likely that the presence of even a little alcohol would greatly increase absorption by the body. Doing the math, a single teaspoon of alcohol added to 2 gallons of grape juice would effectively double the solubility of resveratrol. A mere one percent alcohol solution would have nearly 18 times the capacity to dissolve resveratrol, without any intoxication or other negative potential in the cup or so likely to be consumed.”

    However, this link, posted above does give some scientific evidence that “THE ADDITION OF WINE TO THE INCUBATION MIXTURE DECREASED BOTH THE RATE OF RESVERATROL SULPHATION AND THE RATE OF GLUCURONIDATION. http://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/ntp/htdocs/Chem_Background/ExSumPdf/Resveratrol.pdf

  52. “1. Red wine does not contain resveratrol.”

    This is false. There are many studies quantitating the amount of various chemical forms of resveratrol (trans, cis, and with sugars) from red wines (and small amounts from white. The compound is part of grape skins, the biochemistry for its production is fairly well understood.

    Whatever resveratrol is doing, the studies in worms, flies, and now mice all show life span increase.

    Side effects have been minimal, at least in animals.

  53. Longvinex indeed has now the 100mg. No “independent” testing on that yet, as far as I can tell. The price is the SAME as for the previous product which was at 40mg, which is, well, interesting.

    From the web site:

    “SUPER Longevinex – 3 pack + 1 free 100 mg
    Buy 3 boxes and get 1 free! Product will be available in the middle of January 2007. Thank you for your patience. “

  54. For what it is worth – settled on the Country Life Resveratrol Plus, 60 Veggie Caps from IHerb ($13) – the label states 200mg of Polygonum Cuspidatum – 100mg of trans-res-v one is to assume. Also contains grape seed extract, pine bark and grape skins. I will also add FO-Ti (probably Solaray)to my supplementation as well as Lycopene and Blueberrys.

    If I could afford the Longevinex I would add it to my supp list, however, the Quercetin is still a BIG question mark in my mind.

    Can someone comment on Rhubarb extract as a Sirtuin activator?

    In my research, it appears best to consume that Res-V with a good Pinot Noir and “some FAT”, like salmon oil or olive oil.

  55. There may be a simple way to tell if you are getting effective resveratrol at an effective dose: In the literature it is mentioned that one of the CR-like effects of resveratrol is to lower body temperature. I’ve been taking resveratrol one capsule daily for 9 months. (Mostly the life-extension brand.) My body temperature seems to be about a degree lower than before. There is a circadian rhythm with temperature of course, my goes from 96.7 on waking to a peak of 98.6.

    I’m going to get my cholesterol checked Friday.

  56. It’s my understanding that Beyond A Century just came out with a $12 100 or 300 g tub of reseveratrol that’s 50% for the gonzo dose users. I have just started using Ray & Terry’s formula. I’m front-loading at 2 200mg 25% caps twice a day, which comes out to 200mg resveratrol, after i finish this bottle, i’m dropping down to 2 caps a day. I may consider doing periodic fasts and using a larger doses during the fasts (probably one or two days as I have a job where I can’t afford to get whacked out during the induction for three days on end). As things progress I will let everyone know.

    It’s not surprising but it is illuminating to hear about the reduced body temp. I used to bodybuild (the opposite of CR) and one of the side effects of feeding every two hours is constantly feeling warm from the thermic effect of feeding.

  57. Nice info on resveratrol, but stops a while ago…

    Any new news?

    I’ve been taking ~1 gram trans-resveratrol/day for over a month. Noticed overall better mood, energy, decreased need for sleep, more intense and well remembered dreams, overall positive physical and mental sense of well being. I doubt I’ve had much change in endurance, strength, but mind seems more energetic, active, stimulated most of the time.

    Sources: Orchid synthetic, >98% purity plant extract, Country Life 100 mg worth tabs, etc.

  58. Tintinet, I’m still waiting for ConsumerLab to publish its study on levels of RSV in commercially available nutraceutical products. I’ll certainly be updating with a new entry as soon as the study comes out.

  59. BioFlu: Bioforté 500 Resveratrol ….I think this company is a crock. Original shipment placed in January. After citing a broken manufacturing device, I was informed that we wouldnt receive product for 2 more weeks. After 2 weeks and emailing them several times, I was notified product would ship March 1st.

    March 1st… I was notifed they would be sending me a free 2 month supply and it would be shipping that week followed a few days by my bulk order.

    22 March …I received my bottle of unprofessionaly labeled (label not fit to bottle, falling off, et.) 2 weeks ago, but as of today I still have not received my order. The bad thing is, I am half afraid to take the supplements I did manage to get from them. If the company is this unprofessional, god only know what is actually in the green capsules.

  60. Agree with MRNaples.

    Do not deal with this company Biotivia. Placed my order almost a month ago and have not seen it. Calls placed to “help” line were not returned. Stay away for your own good.

  61. I ordered from Biotiva/Bioforte some months ago. I received my order, professionally labeled, on time, as expected, as did at least some other individuals, according to forum postings (other websites).

    I don’t think I’d do so again. At this time, many other, inexpensive to expensive, options for acquisition of a host of varieties of resveratrol are available. No need to gamble with questionable business entities.

  62. Well I finally received my shipment …. April 26th. Given how unprofessional this company has been to date, I am not so sure I should be taking them period. God knows what is actually in the caps.

  63. My name is Alex Maas. My email address is a.maas@cox.net. My interest in resveratrol is actually old. My grandfather introduced peanut butter as a new product to San Diego. So my family is full of p.b. addicts, having it for breakfast. I could never understand why my cholesterol has always been so, until the original resveratrol studies.

    I had seen a link to Longevinex in the L.A. Times so I ordered it.

    I am also a mm patient. I did not know about its strong anti-cancer properties, both in people and in the test tubes.

    Go to the following link, click on full text, and skip to the conclusion, since the science would probably be beyond most people (including me). I was astounded by this.


    Then an online friend who is another mm patient and a cardiologist told me he would take resveratrol if he could find a decent source but most of it oxidizes. Great, I thought I have wasted all this money on Longevinex. But apparently it is what Dr. Sinclair of Harvard takes himself. But….

  64. another mm patient told me about Biotivia which I see several of you have posted about. I cannot say anything about their distribution problems, as this person sent me some directly. She said the problem is it is a New Zealand based company, and that is why it takes so long. I do not know actually.

    I can tell you they have two resveratrol products, the latter one called TransMax. It is not available yet. I reserved some and I got an email back from the company. I did not realize it was from the head of the company.

    I have been quite taken aback both by the man’s knowledge and modesty. I have emailed nutraceutical companies before, and they have mostly told me B.S. Longevinex is mostly marketing hype, but I could not find anything better.

    James Betz, the president and owner of Botiva is totally different, in my opinion.
    I do not think he write the advertising. I believe he has a PhD, but I was not clear about this. He did tell me he thought only medical doctors have earned the title Dr. So and So, in his opinion, when I asked him how I should address him.

    He also offered a discount to any and all cancer patients. I found this refreshing. Cancer drugs are very expensive, and for rare cancers like mm really expensive. There are special patent protections for such drugs. Thalidomide, for example, is made by Celgene, and actually a very old drug with no patent. They patented the distribution instead. The current price for the drug is $4,000 amonth for 100 mg per day and some people use twice this month. Another of their drugs, Revlimid, is $6,000 a month. Many myeloma patients cannot even afford the copays for these drugs. So any offer for a discount to cancer patients for any type of supplement was refreshing.

  65. Alex Maas a.maas@cox.net
    The personal emails I will post from James Betz were about how I should go about taking 4 grams per day of resveratrol. Probably 3 grams a day would be sufficient. Please understand, you can order the bioforte right through the company. The one email where he told me how I could pay for these was in response to me asking how I could pay him.

    I posted all this information to what is called the multiple myeloma acor list, which is the most active cancer support group on the internet. I was banned as the list owner thought I was asking for people to send the man money. I was not at all. I just found this man outstanding to deal with. I did not know about the distribution problems of his company. I want you to understand I have absolutely no financial interest in this company, and I derive no financial benefit from mentioning this.
    Onward to the emails. Please understand, as you are NOT cancer patients, just order the products from his the biotivia site.

  66. Alex Maas
    Hi Alex,
    I spent the entire day yesterday meeting researchers and clinicians at the Mumbai Institute for Advanced Cancer Research, Treatment and Education. We have tentatively agreed upon a collaboration in which they will do in-vitro and in-vivo testing of Bioforte, Transmax and one proprietary formulation we have developed. One of the issues we discussed is the relative benefits of supplementing with pure trans-resveratrol vs. use of a full-spectrum resveratrol formulation. Without boring you with the details we agreed that there are advantages to both modalities. In the case of a 50% trans-resveratrol product one benefits from the complementary, naturally occurring compounds that are missing in a pure trans-resveratrol product. These include polydatin and emodin primarily, both of which have shown potent anti-cancer properties in quite a few cell line studies. In the case of pure trans-resveratrol one is able to acquire the dosages used in several in-vivo studies and is better able to achieve the desired blood serum level. Consequently, the informal recommendation of the chief clinician was to use both products to achieve the total dosage. Only your own physician can properly advise you on this. What I am communicating is only one doctor’s suggestion who has not treated you or even seen any of your clinical data. Given that I recommend that you consider the following:

    Total 4 gm per day dosage for 3 months equals 360 gms.


    Bioforte at 0.250 gm per capsule – 180 gms total equals 720 capsules

    Transmax at 0.500 gm per capsule – 180 gms total equals 360 capsules

    Above amounts translated into bottles of each
    Bioforte 12
    Transmax 6

    Does this sound a reasonable strategy to you? Please run it by your physician.

    If so, I can provide this to you at a discounted price as follows:

    Bioforte 12 bottles $275.00
    Trnasmax 6 bottles $400.00

    I can not in good conscious sell you at full price. I am also able to provide these prices to any cancer patient in your group or outside of it. Best wishes, James

    This was in response to my email which was the following.
    > I think the correct amount for anti-cancer usage is about 3 grams. Since I am 200 pounds, I believe it is 4 grams for me. I would like a 3 month daily supply of 4 grams a day of resveratrol, if at all possible.
    > Thanks again.

  67. Hi Alex,
    There is a huge amount of uncertainty about the dosages. This is one reason why human and additional in-vivo trials are needed. One interesting comment by a researcher of polyphenols from grapes and tea at the institute is worth repeating. He stated that efficacy follows a bell curve relative to dosage. Benefits increase to a point with higher doses but then plateau and fall off to almost zero at a a certain point. I am not certain if this applies to resveratrol as well as its mechanism of action is different and more diverse than polyphenols. Most resveratrol studies show a dose-dependent response, i.e. the higher the dose the greater the effects. I suspect that 3 grams per day is reasonable and possibly even moderate. I am taking this much now and have been for about one month. I noticed enhanced effects when I increased to this level from 1.5 gm per day. Best, James

    My email:
    > The price is fine. Thank you for the discount. I was guessing at the dosage, only because I thought that I had read that a lot of researchers thought that you would need 2 or 3 grams to make any type of resveratrol work effectively. I have no idea it this is so or not. What do you think?
    > Please do not worry. I will not take anything you tell me as medical advice.
    > Thanks very much again in advance.

  68. Hi Alex,
    I will have my research scientist send you additional information in a day or two. We are finishing up our on-line library now and should also this available in less than one week. I am not rushing Transmax and should have it in about two weeks. We have government authority now to produce it in Singapore and I have the material on hand so I hope to be able to make this time line.

    There is a great deal of controversy about quercitin. The issue is its effects on the glucosides of resveratrol. I will ask Dr. Shah to send you some info on this. There are scientists on both sides of the issue. My position is that the vast majority of the legitimate studies did not use quercitin and the results speak for themselves. If there is a good possibility of interference with the glucosides I prefer not to take the chance. The half life of resveratrol, like most polyphenols, is short so the issue of the glucosides is important as they persist after the initial blood serum levels of resveratrol diminish to almost zero.

  69. One other important issue that I thought I would mention. I have no doubt that we have the best scientific staff on board of any resveratrol supplier. In fact, we have more Phd. level scientists than others have in terms of their entire technical staff, assuming they even have a technical department. One thing this allows us to do is research and develop enhancements to our products. The most important improvement we have incorporated into Transmax is to greatly improve its bio-availability by bringing the particle size down to almost the nanometer range. I can not explain how we do this however I can tell you it is not a simple process and it took us almost one year to get it right. The result is we have shown in mice that the bio-availability is improved by almost 50%. For a compound that has a very short half life in the blood stream this is important. It is virtually equivalent to providing 50% more resveratrol in the same size dose.

  70. We have not yet selected the cancer cell lines for the coming in-vitro and in-vivo trials. I will suggest to Saurabh and Dr. Shastry that we include multiple myeloma cell lines.

  71. I do apologize, as this was not a commercial post. If anyone sees it that way, I am truly sorry. I thought, and I could be completely wrong, this man way completely knowledgeable and very sincee.

    Alex Maas

  72. For those who are interested, Consumer Lab recently completed a study of resveratrol products. They don’t do scientific studies on the effects of resveratrol (although they did indicate what the general thinking is) or other supplements. What they do is test products against their claims of ingredients and their amounts.

    This is a paid subscription website so I can’t reveal the results as it would violate my subscription agreement. However, I can say that there were a lot of products reviewed and most (but not all) contained what they said they did and in the advertised amounts. Interestingly enough, they also calculated the cost per mg of resveratrol by product and there were some very, very wide differences. If you’re spennding money on this supplement the cost of the subscription could pay for itself by steering you towards the “least cost per mg” product.


  73. My husband and I have been taking Longevinex for a couple of years. After our colonoscopies, each of us was told that the lining of the colon was dark due to herbal laxatives or stool softeners. The gastroenterologist went on to say that to continue taking either of these would cause nerve damage to the colon. We have not been taking either of these things, only Longevinex. We are wondering if anyone else has had this problem. I am having difficulty finding out of Longevinex contains an herbal laxative. Any help would be appreciated.

  74. I’ve been taking Longevinex for a couple of years as well. I had a colonoscopy a week and a half ago. The doctor was very pleased with the condition of my colon (and provided photos of it!). I would be sceptical of the gastroenterologist. But you can write to Bill Sardi (Longevinex). I’ve always known him to reply promptly.

  75. Re: PubMed Echo chamber

    The list of abstracts I just got on PubMed using the search term “resveratrol” was 285 as of 7/18/09. Most of these are references to the same rehashed articles often by the same author from intellectually dingy publications…might as well be quoting Better Homes and Gardens.

    1st dictate of medicine is “Do No Harm”

    Best to ask yourselves about the lack of clinical trials for long term adverse outcomes with this product. Q: Will the incidence of various cancers be increased after years of use? A: Who the F knows?

  76. I started taking Botiva Resveratrol found at GNC. Thinking it might cure me of a future hereditary Lung cancer. The very first day I took this I started haveing dirreah, but I just assumed it was cleaning me out. I continued to take this product for 30 days. Four months later I still had dirreah and ended up hospitalized for 8 days!I have now been diagnosed with collageanous colitis at 38 yrs old and after being completely healthy all my life! WARNING DO NOT TAKE THIS RESVERATROL!

  77. Wow 88 comments!
    I don’t mean to belittle Nessie at #87, but I don’t think you could be serious!

    Also, I am taking the advice of Reason and others and holding off on supplements till more is known. Though I might do a month of resveratrol to try it one day.

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