The pathology of aging: J Path special issue

The Journal of Pathology‘s most recent issue is devoted entirely to the pathology of aging. From the introductory article by Martin and Sheaff:

The rising numbers and proportion of aged individuals in the population is a global demographic trend. The diseases associated with ageing are becoming more prevalent, and the associated healthcare costs are having a significant economic impact in all countries. With these changes have come great advances in our understanding of the mechanisms of ageing. The mechanisms of cellular ageing at a genetic, protein and organelle level are becoming clearer, as are some of the more complex associations between environment and ageing. System ageing is also becoming better understood, and the potential biological advantages of ageing are being explored. Many of the advances in these fields are opening up the prospect of targeted therapeutic intervention for ageing and age related disease.

The articles cut a broad swath through the field, from molecular changes in aging cells to tissue- and system-scale phenomena in immunology, reproductive endocrinology, and beyond. The authors are in many cases the same eminences grises who would have written comparable reviews in high-impact basic science journals.

J Path itself is the highest-impact journal devoted to pathology, and its readership consist primarily of MDs and academic pathology researchers. The devotion of an entire issue to this subject is just the latest example of the increasing mainstream attention being paid to the biology of aging.

For your delectation, the table of contents:

While J Path doesn’t have a newsstand price, I must say I’d be tempted to pay it for this issue.

One comment

  1. This may be a bit off topic, but the recent article in the-scientist got me thinking ( Would this be possible avenue towards a mitochondrial version of the lysoSENS project ? Or does that even make sense ? This paragraph in particular roused my curiosity ( “About half the mitochondria don’t get infected,” he says, “so perhaps they are only destroying old ones. We don’t really know what’s going on.”). Could this be one half of a mitochondrial rejuvenation scheme – remove the old, in with the new ..?

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