Alzheimer Research Forum on the web

Kinoshita and Clark announce Alzforum, an online community for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) researchers:

Alzforum: E-Science for Alzheimer Disease

The Alzheimer Research Forum Web site ( is an independent research project to develop an online community resource to manage scientific knowledge, information, and data about Alzheimer disease (AD). Its goals are to promote rapid communication, research efficiency, and collaborative, multidisciplinary interactions. Introducing new knowledge management approaches to AD research has a potentially large societal value. … In addition to imposing a heavy burden on family caregivers and society at large, AD and related neurodegenerative disorders are among the most complex and challenging in biomedicine. Researchers have produced an abundance of data implicating diverse biological mechanisms. Important factors include genes, environmental risks, changes in cell functions, DNA damage, accumulation of misfolded proteins, cell death, immune responses, changes related to aging, and reduced regenerative capacity. Yet there is no agreement on the fundamental causes of AD. The situations regarding Parkinson, Huntington, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) are similar. The challenge of integrating so much data into testable hypotheses and unified concepts is formidable. What is more, basic understanding of these diseases needs to intersect with an equally complex universe of pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, animal studies, and clinical trials. In this chapter, we will describe the approaches developed by Alzforum to achieve knowledge integration through information technology and virtual community-building. We will also propose some future directions in the application of Web-based knowledge management systems in neuromedicine.

It’s an ambitious mission and could use the support of the community, beginning with your participation.


  1. I fail to understand Alzforum’s strange idea that AD is somehow incredibly complex, making it extremely difficult to frame a simplifying hypothesis on its causation. There is no point in making it even more complex, by publishing loads of indigestible data, that merely distract and confuse bench scientists untrained in nutrition or hypothesis formation.
    The disease has a simple, easily prevented cause, that I deduced in 1990. I needed only a few facts to solve it. Cases of twin discordance had been published, suggesting a simple dietary or toxic exposure. Cases were rare in Nigeria, where the diet differs greatly from Western diets. Phenacetin, an oxidizing analgesic, was shown in 1973 to cause AD. A refined Omega-6 seed oil (safflower oil) was shown in 1976 to cause impaired memory in rats; rats protected with Vitamin E suffered no problems. Common refined seed oils were shown to be 30% low in Vitamin E in 1963. Fully Vitamin E-stripped seed oil, even at only 1% of the diet, causes lipid peroxidation in pigs. Such peroxidation is now known to activate the key AD enzyme BACE 1, promoting beta-peptide accumulation. Among my own patients, consumers of refined seed oils suffer amnesia, photophobia and night blindness (Seed Oil Syndrome). Recent European nutrition studies show a suspicious link between Omega-6 seed oils and either cognitive decline or AD.
    So what’s so hard about that? Just get the FDA worried enough, and legislation would soon be passed, requiring all seed oils to have natural Vitamin E levels restored before distribution and sale. PS. The same refined oils, when consumed in pregnancy, also cause ADHD: lipid peroxidation is known to reduce the growth of rapidly growing tissues, like cancer or fetal brains. The ADHD brain is about 3% smaller than usual.

  2. Hi

    This topic is about weight-loss or “bariatric” (or something like that) surgery. It helps to lose weight and lowers a risk of medical problems. Started gathering information and found short video which shows how the operations (3 common types) are performed, here is the link…

    Anyone knows something about it? Is there any risk?
    Is it better to perform this procedure in US?

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