“Biogerontology: Mechanisms and interventions” – Annals of NY Academy special issue

The Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences recently published an entire volume on biogerontology.

There are more than 60 articles in this volume, grouped into the following four categories:

  • Aging, Longevity, and Evolution
  • Immunity, Aging, and Diseases
  • Molecular and Cellular Aging
  • Aging Interventions

The table of contents was too extensive to reprint here, but suffice it to say that there’s something for everyone. Authors from all over the world weigh in on subjects ranging from apoptosis to zinc; it’s well worth a look.

Accessing the articles requires a membership to the NYAS or an academic subscription to the Annals, but the lengthy abstracts are free for everyone.

One comment

  1. The zinc article is worth a read! Very informative on a subject that doesn’t get a lot of attention even though, in my opinion, zinc is THE ONLY treatment with good clinical data as a treatment for the common cold. The article is poorly written (probably never proofed by a native English speaker); but if you can wade through the run-on sentences there is some really good info in there!

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